How can I train my mind to be calm
You can train your mind to be more focused, clear, and efficient, just like you can train your body to run the 3,000m or master taekwondo.Positive vibes will reach our mind and calm them as well.It is important to understand that you are able to make better decisions when you are better organized.You can learn how to train your brain with meditation from teachers like joseph goldstein and tara brach or by using apps like headspace and calm.Breathing provides oxygen to the brain.
Tea can help calm your nerves and slow down your thoughts and connect you more to the present moment.Your brain has the ability to learn and grow as you age — a process called brain plasticity — but for it to do so, you have to train it on a regular basis.Telling those around you not to distract you for a period of time.If you're dealing with high.Closing out of programs or apps that aren't essential on your computer.