What are epistemic emotions
We are told, for instance, that sometimes we must 'listen to our heart' when trying to figure out what to believe or think.Markus wild distinguishes two epistemic projects, and argues that emotions can have different status in explanations in each.Two studies exemplifying the relations between metacognitive experiences and epistemic emotions are presented.Typical epistemic emotions include surprise, curiosity, and confusion.We used various data such as emotion diaries, transcripts of the video recordings, postlesson interviews, and field notes to document her involvement in the six lessons.
But how are we to understand the positive contribution that emotions can make to our epistemic standing?Morton, reference morton and goldie 2010).unlike achievement emotions, they are not related to.Epistemic emotions focus on such cognitive states and are related to metacognitive experiences such as feeling of difficulty (in the case of surprise) and feeling of confidence (in the case of curiosity).(3) epistemic emotions will predict critical thinking.Moreover, the article suggests, there are emotions that are specifically directed at epistemic ends.
If so, what constitutes their common epistemicity?2 surprise is the typical emotional reaction to unexpected events ( izard, 1977 ).Epistemic feelings, epistemic emotions 103 the feeling of pastness: