What happens when you drink Skooma in Skyrim
It is a huge staple of their diet and they have a tolerance for it in all of its forms.If you really only have one save, try this:It is a highly addictive narcotic, and its users pass through bouts of euphoria followed by protracted lethargy.Skooma is a potion produced from moon sugar.Can you become addicted to skooma in skyrim?
I always rely on my own potions because i'm not sure about the side effects of those things.Skooma is a potion produced from moon sugar.If you drink 3 or 4 alcoholic drinks your screen gets blurry and your character will continue to fall down and stagger, if you drink a skooma you get infinite stamina but your screen turns purple.Skooma is a refined version of elswyr's moon sugar.Then let us know if it crashes in a completely different way.