What is the synonym of pillory
Cucking stools or ducking stools were chairs formerly used for punishment of disorderly women, scolds, and dishonest tradesmen in england, scotland, and elsewhere.Punish by putting in a.Filtred list of synonyms for pillory is here.Expose to ridicule or public scorn.What are the verbs of the word pillory?
Expose to ridicule or public scorn;What is the synonym of pillory?A synonym for a word is plain and simple another word that can be used to replace the original word, gibbet is as an example a synonym to pillory.The head and hands of the offender were thrust through holes in the frame (as were the feet in the stocks) so as to be held fast and exposed in front of it.A wooden instrument of punishment on a post with holes for the wrists and neck;
Synonyms for pillory in free thesaurus.Took the piss out of.Here is a list of definitions for pillory.Offenders were locked in and so exposed to public scorn.The press savaged the new president;