When was the first antipsychotic invented
In 1966, hanns hippius, a german researcher, was asked to continue the trials on humans by wander.It's thought its predecessor, dementia praecox, was the first medical description of what we think of as modern schizophrenia.In the middle of the 20th century scientists developing new types of antihistamine drugs found that the new drugs were also effective in controlling the psychotic symptoms of schizophrenia.First generation typical antipsychotics appeared in the 1950s.The most common a phenothiazines (ptz) which block dopamine receptors.
The fortuitous discovery of lithium in 1948 was followed shortly afterward by another miraculous discovery:Much of the shock came from the.In 1891, paul ehrlich observed the antimalarial effects of methylene blue, a phenothiazine derivative.Clozapine reduces serotonin activity instead.This drug produced sedative side effects, so doctors started prescribing it before surgeries as a calming agent.
1928 indian association for mental hygiene established.Up to 1940 they were employed as antiseptics, antihelminthics and antimalarials (ehrlich, schulemann, gilman).