What are the two determinants of moral responsibility
An object is good when it is in conformity with its nature or the purpose for which it was made.The three determinants of morality are the object of the act (finis operis), end of the agent (finis operantis), and circumstances b1.You are morally responsible even when you aren't legally responsible continue reading legal responsibility is relative to some legal system;Philosophers have traditionally been especially interested in the concept of moral or personal responsibility.You must follow the positive laws in your region upon penalty of punishment (variously construed);
These 3 aspects are called determinants of morality.Two studies showed that participants ascribed greater moral responsibility for discrimination when the target was aware of having negative attitudes than when he was unaware.2) the morality of the act itself without regard to consequences.Otherwise an object is bad or evil.Seem to have been exhausted by the.
There are three such determinants of morality, namely the object, the end, and the circumstances.The term responsibility or one of its variants figures in moral discussion in many different ways.Moral responsibility 269 and this is true whether, with lombroso, the determinants are said to be largely within the individual himself through his heredity, whether, with tarde, garofalo, and bonger, they are put largely in the environment as so many strings activating the automaton which isThere are 3 such determinants which are:In the moral order, an object is good when it is in conformity with reason, when it is suitable to reason which is the proximate norm of morality.