What causes sudden loss of strength in legs
Conditions that affect the spinal cord, the backbone (vertebrae) or the nerves that exit from the spinal cord can all cause leg weakness along with pain, burning, numbness or a tingling sensation along the course of the nerve that is affected.Diabetes mellitus can cause damage to the nerves and muscles in your legs and feet.Because the nerves in the spine carry messages to our extremities, we sometimes find that leg dysfunction is related to spine damage affecting these nerves..Eat a balanced diet with an adequate amount of nutrient and vitamins to reduce and also prevent sudden weakness in legs when walking.Peripheral artery disease (pad) pad causes poor circulation in your legs, which can restrict blood flow.
There are many different factors that can cause pain and weakness in the legs.Muscle strength is needed for normal walking.If unexplained arm and leg weakness are happening to you, ask yourself if, in the past few months, you bumped your head or fell and hit your head — or in some way, got banged in the head — even if at the time there were no symptoms.If you have pad, you could experience leg weakness, numbness, tingling, pain, color changes, or cramps.This is caused by damage to nerves in the brain and spinal cord and can cause sudden paralysis.
Inflammatory conditions leg weakness can be caused by inflammation, which is the body's normal response to injury or infection.8 main causes of sudden leg weakness in seniors 1.Repeat the massage twice a day if needed.Sleep with two pillows under your feet to improve circulation and reduce weakness.Bone conditions, such as osteomyelitis and fractures.
Once a child is walking, weakness is seen more in the legs than the arms.This is what you will see.